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Coding of a Boris Johnson text, 1st & 2nd drafts:

This presents an example of sequences in a structural hermeneutic analysis. The text is Boris Johnson's statement on 16 Mar. 2016 titled, "There is only one way to get the change we want - vote to Leave the EU"

Initial steps include pasting the text into a Word doc. and adding analysis directly into the text :

The in-text notes are used to build a first order of coding, here in a table in Word doc:

An article manuscript cannot contain all of a text's coding. Space and word limits won't allow for it. We present the most prevalent themes:

In this fashion, the analysis moves closer to the final interpretation.


Has migrated to a new site:

Code Flux

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No  898288.

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